lightway – shoot the blue hour

blauen Stunde, Autobahn, A8, Leonberg
focal length: 70mm – aperture: 25 – exposure: 30s – ISO 50

The motorway junction Leonberg located at the A8 and A81

täglich fahren hier rund 220.000 Fahrzeuge durch. Das ist kaum vorstellbar. Deshalb war es eine meiner ersten Ideen für das Bild der Woche, einmal den Verkehr im Bild festzuhalten.go here daily by about 220,000 vehicles. It is hard to imagine. Therefore, it was one of my first ideas for the image of the week, once capture the traffic in the image.
Now the daily Blechlawine on the road in front of you that knows it to satisfy. But even a view from the top of the happened, who also light “holds”, you have not so often. And with this photo, the mass of the traffic is visible. Do not you think?

And as I come now to the “blue hour”? So shortly after the sinking of the sun before it gets really dark, the sky turns dark blue. This period of time is not a real long time, but is only between 20 and 50 minutes, depending on where you are on the earth and what season is just. But these minutes are very popular with photographers.
Because then images with strong colors and not as strong shadows are possible.
Due to the longer exposure time than during the day, the lighter areas appear in the image more vivid.
For example lights or fire or moving light sources, which are then recognized as tail. It fascinates just scary to experiment with the exposure time and get great results.

Here a photographic tip for you:

The blue hour is different from day to day and from place to place. Need to determine exactly the time for your point of view, there are several possibilities. The two simplest are either on the PC or laptop under or the Android smartphone with the app “Blue Hourby Marco Dehmel. Furthermore, you should use a tripod to you as long as the camera can not keep still by hand only.

more themes and links:

Togetherness – be happy together
– The small Katta – A visit to the Dresden Zoo

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