Togetherness – be happy together

Is it not beautiful?

Portrait, Ehepaares, Zufriedenheit
focal length: 50mm – aperture: 7,1 – exposure: 1/25s – ISO 3200


Two people of more matured age sit together happily and contently on the couch.
In the afternoon it is and quite darkly outdoors now at the middle of January, I visit Two and point them to a few my at last taken pictures. They take in hand the first time in her life a tray PC themselves and wipe about the display. At first it generates some surprise about that it offers what this technical device everything thus for possibilities and functions, however, then the curiosity and they predominates my pictures look with big joy successively pious. Of what one can take a photo nowadays everything so – when we were young, there was not such a thing. We have only few pictures from former times, and if there was now an important occasion, one has gone just to the photographer and then he has made few photographs to some. And when we had later our own camera, the films and above all the developing were not so inexpensive also and, therefore, one considered certainly what one banished on the picture …
Today there are thousands of pictures, it does not cost any more a lot them to make and the technology has become more affordable – but one must still “be able to do” taking photos, nevertheless, there nothing has changed. I agree to the both.
Then I get out “quite by chance” my camera and to be allowed to make please them a photo of them. They have nothing against it – I had hoped this. In the camera 50iger festival focal length is present and I have no flash or other (Auxiliary) light. The room light is very nicely warm with felt 40 watts of light bulbs, but is also quite dark. To get the picture now fairly sharp, I put screen 7. 1 and allow to choose the camera the time and the ISO. At such moments I mostly do not use the aperture priority there I by adjusting and trying the mood would like to break.

I have limited the ISO area till maximum 3200, so that the rushing is still to scuffle. I release only a few times and the picture is already in the box …
They smile both and are glad. It seems to me in such a way, as if they liked to give me her happy being with on the picture.

Here one a photographic tip for you:
One can break as a taking a photo on the one hand fast sometimes a great atmosphere or mood if one occupy is to try in the camera herumzustellen and/or. Or on the other hand the moment too fast which one would like to hold on is over. Therefore, it is to be known importantly the functions of the camera and control the service and to count sometimes also on the programmes. Then one has a clear bigger chance for a great picture.

more themes and links:
– View from the Carola Bridge Dresden

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